Dr. Ayesha Khalid
As a Board Certified and practicing ENT surgeon with ~20 years of experience in the healthcare industry, Dr. Ayesha Khalid provides invaluable experience for Bantry's engagements in healthcare services and healthcare I.T. She brings unparalleled expertise as a practicing physician and consumer of healthcare I.T. and other health-related products and services. She is particularly well versed in the technology tools and vendors within the telehealth and digital health spaces.
In addition to her medical career, Ayesha completed an MBA at the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management in the Sloan Fellows Program, which focuses on innovation and global leadership. While at M.I.T., Ayesha was involved in the M.I.T. Hacking Medicine group that works to promote disruptive thinking in healthcare. She currently serves as Chief of Division of Otolaryngology at the Cambridge Health Alliance and teaches healthcare ventures classes at M.I.T. and the Yale School of Management. Ayesha has also served as Clinical Director of the Yale School of Medicine's Center for Biomedical Innovation where she has helped launch multiple early stage ventures.
In addition to her medical career, Ayesha completed an MBA at the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management in the Sloan Fellows Program, which focuses on innovation and global leadership.